Friday, November 10, 2006

Parul - All About

Encyclopedia of Term : Parul - All information related to the Word "Parul"
Origin Of The Word Parul: "Parul" is the word darieved from Bengali Folktales"

Meaning of Parul : Parul is a Flower which has Five Petals, Small Tiny but a beautiful one.

Story of Parul and Champa
One popular folk tale, known all over the region and even forming the basis for a film, is "Seven Champa Brothers and One Sister Parul." The Champa and Parul are local trees.

There once was a king, so the story goes, who was married to seven queens. When the favorite youngest queen gave birth to seven sons and a daughter, the barren elder queens were jealous. They killed the babies, buried them in a garbage heap, and substituted puppies and kittens instead. Fearing witchcraft, the king banished the youngest queen. Seven Champa trees and one Parul tree grew out of the garbage heap where the babies were buried.

When the evil queens, and even the king, tried to pluck the flowers from the trees, the flowers moved away. They asked for the banished queen to be brought to them. She plucked the flowers, and a boy emerged from each Champa flower and a girl from the Parul flower. They were reunited with their mother and their father, the king. When the king learned the truth, he had the jealous queens killed and lived happily ever after with his remaining wife and children. The main theme of this tale is that jealousy leads to wrongdoing, and that this will eventually be found out and punished.